A time trial suit for everyone
During the Time Trials you will see a lot of Bioracer skinsuits. It comes as no surprise.
Martin, Kiryenka, Dumoulin, the best time trial riders of the last couple of years, rely on our tailoring and speed tuning expertise.
We are the first company that explored and put to use clothing aerodynamics on a grand scale, doing so since the early 2000’s. Our custom Speedwear is customized to the size and speed range of each cyclist.

Proper suit design and fabric can save riders up to 60 seconds on a 40km time trial. If you can save that much time on 40km, the gain in an 180km time trial for an Ironman is extreme. This has driven the introduction of Tri suits with aerodynamic sleeves. In road racing, where the time differences are sometimes minute, an efficient aerodynamic skinsuit will give you an advantage.
Today, Bioracer wants to push the limits even further by making the suit and the rider even faster still. We worked together with many federations to benchmark our Speedmaster suit against other models. The Bioracer Speedmaster suit was consistently the fastest. This result drove us to develop a suit that was faster than our previous suit. It became the Speedmaster 2.0 generation of suits.

Speed tailoring
Our research has proven that no single fabric can be fast in all speeds. For optimum speed you must be efficient in the speed zone you are aiming to ride in. That’s why we adjust the fabric composition in each Speedmaster suit to your specific speeds.
For top Time Trialist women, suits are modified to be efficient on a slightly lower pace of 40-50km/h. Suits for male cyclists will contain a different blend of fabrics.
Expect remarkable results in the upcoming days.

If you are developing aerodynamic sport clothing as a manufacturer, you need to have your product certified in a wind tunnel and evaluated by riders during track testing. Bioracer was the first to make a 3D model of a rider (5 years ago) to test clothing in a wind tunnel. It is the only way to achieve consistent results.
In our development of this year‘s new line of aero gear, we did wind tunnel testing together with FES at the Institute of Experimental Aerodynamics at the University of Dresden, Germany. Since 2012, Bioracer and a few other companies (Bike Valley) started working together to build the first cycle specific wind tunnel in Belgium.
This year the wind tunnel was opened, and we did final validation testing together with the Belgian Cycling Federation. In conjunction with wind tunnel testing, it is important to authenticate results with track testing. It is a more realistic environment for the rider. These results are directly comparable with the environment where the cyclists compete.
We encourage all our customers to test the aerodynamic effect of clothing for themselves. You can test aerodynamics utilizing a power meter. Ride on the same day and road with 2 different suits at the same speed (for example 40km/hr). You can then see that you exert less watts when wearing Bioracer Speedwear skinsuits.